Vidwan-ID : 166680

Prof Partha Sharathi Mallick

Vellore Institute of Technology


Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Partha Sharathi Mallick, a PhD from Jadavpur University, India, presently working as a Sr. Professor of Electronics Engineering. He served the same university as the Dean of School of Electrical Engineering (2011-15). He worked as the Technical Head, IAAB Electronics, a Swedish Electronics Industry in Bangladesh (1992-96). Dr Mallick led various research teams and developed "Online Lab in Microelectronics", "Monte Carlo Simulator of Compound Semiconductors", "Nanostructured MIM Capacitor", "Low

Personal Information

Prof Partha Sharathi Mallick

Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India - 632014


  • Professor

    Ranking and Accreditation

    Vellore Institute of Technology

  • Professor

    Vellore Institute of Technology

  • Associate Professor

    School of Electrical Engineering

    Vellore Institute of Technology


  • Ph.D

    Jadavpur University